The first real coffee bar in Belgrade, and they only sell coffee.
Read More ›That Belgrade is not really adjusted to international tourists visiting becomes clear from several things. But most obvious is the fact that its open bus tours are called ‘BS Tours’. “Wanna hear some bullshit? Come with us!”
Read More ›One man in Serbia understands how interesting Yugoslav history is. He turned his backyard into Yugoland. A reporter of Vice! Magazine went to to take a look and made this report about it. The BBC also showed interest.
Read More ›With welfare and prosperity come luxury-problems. One of these problems in one of the richer parts in Belgrade, the Old Town, is that more and more people have dogs. And these dogs shit on the street.
Read More ›Every last friday of the month cyclist in Belgrade get together in the centrer at republic Square to make a bike tour through the city centre. Apart from showing that cyclist deserve a place on the street, it is great fun. When in Belgrade, please join!
Read More ›The ‘Semafor Metaphor’ is a way for me to explain the attitude of how people work in Serbia. Especially people who have a job behind a desk or a counter at a public institution and who have to serve clients face-to-face. In normal English that would be called ‘public service jobs’.
Read More ›Researchers at Oxford discovered that birds do not take the fastest way to their destination. They actually follow roads, railways and rivers!
Read More ›Opening a McDonalds in Belgrade costs about 1.5 million euro. That’s a lot of burgers! Also read the impression of an American visiting the McDonalds in Belgrade.
Read More ›When in Belgrade don’t be confused if you see ‘Hotel Vuk’. It’s a common guys-name and means ‘wolf’. Also, due to Serbian grammar someone can talk about a guy when he’s talking about Alexandra.
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